General Health, Mind Body, Self Esteem

Negativity is an Energy Fart

Standing in a very, very long immigration line, the man in front of me complained, cursed and pouted. Yes, this grown adult, pouted like a toddler not getting his way...but he had a far more colorful vocabulary.  As those near tried to distance themselves in creative ways with luggage barriers and his wife made a pained… Continue reading Negativity is an Energy Fart

General Health, Mind Body, Stress

Are you Addicted?

Today I am doing a FB Live on Mindful Cellphone have heard me rate about "nuking your nuts" and the harmful effects of cell phone use, but it goes deeper. We are now creating unhealthy relationships with our little phones. We take them to bed, to the bathroom, to dinner, on walks...They go with us everywhere!… Continue reading Are you Addicted?

Mind Body

Proven Strategies to Beat Teenage Depression

When I first went to college, my roommate, Kat, asked me when I was going to do my laundry… daily.  Oddly, it seemed she was overly concerned about me having clean clothes. With my mis-used intellect, I had bought a little over 2 weeks worth of underwear to procrastinate the chore, much to my roommate’s… Continue reading Proven Strategies to Beat Teenage Depression

Food stuffs, General Health, Women's Medicine

The Worst Holiday Present

You wake up with a shiny new Holiday "gift pimple" on your chin. This is not going to go well with all those party photos. However, it does match the ugly sweater! No one loves pimples! (except, Dr. Sandra Lee, the pimple popper, naturally!) Most of the human race as a whole despises them almost… Continue reading The Worst Holiday Present

Libido, Men's Health

Up for Summer Fun? Beat E.D. Naturally

As we are in full on summer mode, it is time for fun, travel, play, and of course we are feeling a little more frisky as the stresses of life seem to lessen for summer. Stress is the equivalent of a cold shower when it comes to our libido. Modern life with our cell phones,… Continue reading Up for Summer Fun? Beat E.D. Naturally

Food stuffs, Gastrointestinal


Poop is one of the first clues to when something is out of balance with our health. Our immune system, our emotional well being, our skin health and more is directly linked to our digestive tract! Click here to start improving your health now!

Enviromental, General Health, Libido, Men's Health

Do not Nuke Your Nuts

“Is that a cell phone in your pocket your are you just happy to see me?” Or are you just trying to reduce sperm count, cause mutant DNA (poorly formed sperm not x-men sperm) and increase your risk of testicular cancer? In short, it is a very bad decision to opt for convince over health… Continue reading Do not Nuke Your Nuts

General Health, Libido, Mind Body, Self Esteem

Is My Self-Esteem Low Enough to Date you?

Admittedly, this sounds arrogant. So let me explain. Today, as I flipped through the radio stations I heard some guy saying he just goes up to girls in bars and briefly chats them up and ask if he can give them a night they never will forget. This apparently works well for him. I, of… Continue reading Is My Self-Esteem Low Enough to Date you?

Food stuffs

Shoes Verse Sex: Libido Health and Clothes

As many of you know we don’t always make the best food choices for our health, but the same can also be said of our clothing choices. Way back in the days of varsity track, coach Williams nicely informed us how high heels would shorten our Achilles tendons, making us more prone to injury. However,… Continue reading Shoes Verse Sex: Libido Health and Clothes

Food stuffs, General Health

Force Majeure of the Brown Rice Crepes

Some say “the mother of invention is necessity”…well, the mother of invention in my kitchen is “missing ingredients when you already started the recipe” or “avoidance of going to the store.” I guess those can be considered necessity, but I usually call it “too lazy to go to the store” or poor planning. In today’s… Continue reading Force Majeure of the Brown Rice Crepes